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Jess ThorsenMonday, 26 August 20244 min read

Comparing DRUPS & Diesel Generators with UPS: Choosing Your Solution

In today's world, where businesses face increasing risks from vulnerabilities in energy infrastructure, and the growing resilient on digital systems, reliable backup power is more critical than ever.

Two common options are Diesel Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supply (DRUPS) systems (without the need for batteries) and traditional diesel generators combined with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (Static UPS). Both solutions offer unique benefits and cater to different needs.

This blog post will delve into the key differences, advantages, and disadvantages of DRUPS and diesel generators with UPS to help you determine which solution is best suited for your backup power needs.

Introduction to DRUPS and Diesel Generators with UPS

DRUPS is an integrated, scalable solution that combines a diesel engine, a flywheel (kinetic energy module), and an alternator to leverage the dynamics of energy in a rotating mass, providing seamless power backup. This system offers a high level of reliability by ensuring an uninterrupted power supply, in the event of a grid failure. It serves as a power conditioner, filtering spikes and transient interferences, regulating load voltages within a tolerance range, and providing clean power to consumers.

Read also: Diesel Generators: Future Prospects and Regulatory Insights

The flywheel stores kinetic energy, which is instantly available to bridge the gap between grid power loss and diesel engine startup. The quick response time of DRUPS, which ensures instant coverage and seamless transition to continuous operation supported by a diesel engine, makes it ideal for critical applications such as data centers, hospitals, and industrial facilities, providing No Break power supply. It can be configured for both No-break and Short-break operation by oversizing the engine/alternator setup.

A diesel generator combined with a UPS is a more traditional approach to backup power. The UPS system includes batteries that provide short-term power during a grid outage, allowing the diesel generator to start up and take over the load. This combination is widely used, offering flexibility and scalability across various applications where the diesel generator power supply is Short Break, and the UPS power supply is No Break.

Check out: Diesel generator brochure

Key Differences Between DRUPS and Diesel Generators with UPS


Response Time

One of the standout features of DRUPS is its instantaneous response time. The flywheel can provide full power immediately, ensuring there is no interruption in the power supply. This rapid response is critical for environments where even a brief power loss could have serious consequences.

In comparison, a UPS system typically has a slight delay and a longer delay before the diesel generator starts, which may not be suitable for all applications.


In terms of sustainability, DRUPS systems present clear environmental benefits because no batteries are required and there is therefore no need for replacement over time. Additionally, their high efficiency minimizes power loss, further reducing energy consumption. For organizations prioritizing sustainability, DRUPS offers a more eco-conscious choice, contributing to lower carbon footprints and reduced operational costs.

Space and Modularity

DRUPS systems are known for a compact design, often requiring less space than a separate diesel generator and UPS system at the same power/capacity. This can be a significant advantage in environments where space is at a premium.

Discover: Secure critical operations - DRUPS

Maintenance and Reliability

Maintenance requirements can differ significantly between the two systems. DRUPS systems are generally low-maintenance and is only carried out on the diesel engine and lubricating of bearings in flywheel and alternator. Bearings in the flywheel and alternator have a 10-year design life. The use of a flywheel instead of batteries will lead to lower overall operational costs and higher reliability over time.

On the other hand, diesel generators with UPS require regular UPS and battery maintenance and replacement, as UPS and batteries degrade over time. This additional maintenance can add to the operational costs and complexity of managing the system.

Cost Considerations

Cost is always a critical factor in choosing a backup power solution. DRUPS systems tend to have a higher initial cost due to their advanced technology and integration. However, their lower maintenance costs and longer lifespan can make them more cost-effective in the long run, especially for mission-critical applications.

Diesel generators with UPS, while potentially cheaper upfront, may incur higher operational costs due to UPS and battery maintenance and the need for more frequent component replacements.

Short circuit capabilities

The DRUPS system offers substantially higher short circuit capabilities than conventional static UPS systems, ensuring better protection for critical infrastructure. This enhanced capability reduces the risk of downtime and damage during power disturbances.

Read more: BOS Power donates generator set to provide vital power for Ukrainians

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Needs

When deciding between DRUPS and a diesel generator with UPS, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements of your application. DRUPS is typically better suited for environments where uninterrupted power is critical, scalability is essential, space is limited, and long-term reliability is a priority. Industries like data centers, financial institutions, and healthcare facilities often favor DRUPS for their seamless operation and low maintenance.

On the other hand, diesel generators with UPS offer flexibility and scalability, making them ideal for applications where budget constraints are significant, and where there is less need for instantaneous power transfer. This solution is also favored in situations where the ability to upgrade or replace components independently is a key consideration.